Pond Construction & Liners

Nature Quality
Martin Marieta
Leviathan Mine Superfund Site - Liner Repairs & Boot Fabrication
Leviathan Mine - Material Compatibility Testing
Leviathan Mine - Air Lance Testing
Leviathan Mine - Boot Fabrication
Milpitas Materials
Milpitas Materials
Foster Farms Fertilizer Plant Pond Liner
Sun Meadows
Sun Meadows
Martin Marieta
Modesto Air Park
Brassfield Winery

Pond Construction & Liners

For water management, use the diversity, technology and experience of Thunder Mountain Enterprises, Inc. (TME) to your advantage. Unlike most landscape companies and garden pond specialists, TME‘s water containment experience was developed with large commercial and industrial ponds, used primarily for storage and sediment control. We apply our industrial know how and commercial quality materials to even the smallest private ponds at your home, ranch or vineyard.

Synthetic containment liners are the most dependable way to maintain a leak-free pond for years. Natural clay makes an excellent pond liner, however it is subject to penetration by tree roots, gophers and moles. Clay is also difficult to install, and is often misapplied or under-compacted, causing problems that are exceedingly hard to locate and correct later on. Synthetic liners are leak and maintenance-free once installed correctly.

Thunder Mountain Enterprises, Inc. can provide and install many thicknesses and weights of synthetic liners depending on your needs and site conditions. The best way to choose the proper liner is to consult with a TME professional at the job site and review samples and specifications of products that will work best.

Generally, once a new pond is excavated or an existing pond is drained,Thunder Mountain can fabricate and install a custom liner on site in one day!

Polymer Stabilized Road Surfaces

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge - PSRS Nature Trail

Polymer Stabilized Road Surface™ (PSRS)

TME’s polymer road surfacing is a relatively new and innovative strategy for building and maintaining comfortable, affordable, and environmentally friendly road surfaces.

PSRS encapsulates aggregate fines and binds them with larger, more stable structural material.  The process involves scarifying an unpaved aggregate structure; grading to assure proper drainage and road profile; mixing in a special polymer; re-grading, and compacting.  The dust-free result is a smooth, cool, natural looking surface designed for permanent applications at a very competitive cost.

The PSRS process offers property owners the experience of native materials, colors and textures for their roads and parking areas as an alternative to conventional hot, black asphalt or the expense of Portland Cement Concrete.

Dirt Trails and paths can also benefit from the strength and lasting durability of TME’s polymer stabilization process.

Call or email for a free site consultation: 916-381-3400

Land Restoration

Upper Hess - East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
Mayhew Levee Project
Camille Creek Restoration Project
Camille Creek Restoration Project
Estey Estates Creek Restoration
Black Diamond Mine – Land Restoration
Bradford Creek Realignment
Leviathan Mine Revegetation
Leviathan Mine Revegetation

Land Restoration

The United States of America is the most progressive nation in the world in terms of dollars spent, legislation passed, lawsuits filed, and research documented when it comes to protecting and restoring the natural environment. Whether you agree or disagree with this movement, there is no ignoring or defying it. Restoration of disturbed land from mining, solid waste disposal, commercial, industrial and agricultural activities has become part of the American culture.

Small urban streams, seasonal ponds, vernal pools, wetlands and vegetated areas once largely ignored on public and private lands have become part of a vast network of protected habitat for plant and animal life, monitored and regulated by agencies from the federal government, state and local governments, associations, and private citizen groups.

Thunder Mountain Enterprises, Inc. is a very unique General Engineering Contractor, an expert in Soil & Water Management, and proficient in Native California Landscape Construction, Land Restoration, and Civil Construction in sensitive areas. The Thunder Mountain staff of seasoned professionals and associates have earned specialized licenses, certifications and training, including CPESC (“Certified Professional in Sediment and Erosion Control”), CPSWQ (Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality) Hazwop, Landscape Design & Construction, Parking & Highway Improvement, Wetland Construction, Geotechnical Engineering, Landslide Repair, and Stream Restoration.

This broad skill set in soil & water sciences blends engineering principles (“hard sciences”) with green solutions and biotechnology (“soft sciences”), leading to environmentally responsible solutions for construction and land development.

TME is an expert at working with multiple regulatory agencies and stake holders to achieve an end result favorable to all. Completed projects range from sea level to 10,000 feet above sea level, and include stream realignment and restoration projects, Superfund Site Revegetation, Mine Restoration, Bank Revegetation, and various Roadside Drainage and Slope Stabilization projects.

Slope Repair & Stabilization

Hwy 26 Platipus Anchor & Turf Reinforcement Mat
Rosen Platipus Anchors
Rosen Platipus Anchors
Hwy 1 Slope Stabilization - Soil Nails
Hwy 1 Slope Stabilization
Hwy 1 Slope Stabilization - Shotcrete
Georgetown Gabion Boxes
Georgetown Gabion Boxes
Hwy 26 Platipus Anchors & Turf Reinforcement Mat
Hwy 26 Platipus Anchors & Turf Reinforcement Mat
Hwy 26 Platipus Anchors & Turf Reinforcement Mat

Slope Repair & Stabilization

Slope repair refers to the process of improving the stability and safety of a slope or a hillside that is prone to landslides or erosion.

Techniques for slope stabilization can involve the use of various methods such as grading, drainage, soil reinforcement, vegetation stabilization, percussion driven anchors, soil nails, gravity systems, gabions, and structural repair with compacted lifts. The appropriate method to use depends on the characteristics of the slope, the soil conditions, the degree of slope instability, and the desired level of stability.


Improper drainage or soil saturation is often the cause of failed or unstable slopes. In may instances, we can identify the problem and recommend improvements before more expensive repairs are necessary.

Erosion Control

Effective surface erosion protection goes hand in hand with structural repairs. Thunder Mountain works with TRMs (Turf Reinforcement Mats), BFM (Bonded Fiber Matrix), RSP (Rock Slope Protection), and Cellular Confinement to provide custom solutions for specific sites.

Be proactive and  prevent slope instability before it reaches a critical stage. Our expert QSDs use best-in-class techniques and technology to identify potential slope stability issues and provide state-of-the-art, cost-effective solutions for long-term stability. Don’t wait until a landslide or erosion event causes damage to your property or infrastructure. Contact TME today for a professional assessment.

Common slope & slide repair terms and definitions

Erosion & Sediment Control

Erosion & Sediment Control

An effective Erosion & Sediment Control Program as part of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan has become critical to every construction site over one acre. All private entities, individuals and public agencies are subject to enforcement actions including citations and fines for illegally releasing polluted storm water from construction sites.

Sediment laden runoff from construction sites can kill fish and aquatic plants, and destroy breeding grounds for aquatic life. Suspended soil particles also are carriers for other types of pollutants including heavy metals, petroleum by-products, pesticides, and other non-visible pollutants.

In addition to more rigorous inspection and enforcement activities from the agencies, there are a growing number of private citizens groups who are monitoring local construction projects and their affect on nearby lakes and streams. They are filing civil and criminal suits against those who violate the Clean Water Act through illegal construction site discharges.

Thunder Mountain Enterprises, Inc. provides a unique full spectrum site management service unavailable from your typical landscaper, erosion control contractor or street cleaning contractor. With 30 years of general engineering experience, we know the ins and outs of moving dirt, we understand the logistics and critical time frames associated with active construction sites, and we understand the compliance process and regulatory community.

When it comes to avoiding fines and proactive site maintenance, TME is best in class. We have extensive experience working on large complex construction sites on steep terrain, with difficult colloidal clay soils, and located around sensitive wetlands and other protected areas. Contact TME today and let us design and execute your erosion & sediment control plan.

Dust Control

Dust Control

Dust from agriculture, active construction sites, and unpaved roads has become recognized by private citizens, medical experts and regulatory agencies as not only a nuisance but a major pollutant and health hazard.  Silica, commonly found in soil and rock products, and naturally occuring asbestos found throughout California are linked to respiratory disease plus chemical pollutants, unwanted weed seeds, molds and mites attach to airborne particles.

The most common temporary dust palliatives are derived from Lignon (plant bi-product), Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Petroleum Products, and various Polymers. Common dust control products differ in their cost, durability and longevity. Unit costs of products often do not reflect their relative value for a particular application, and some have undesirable environmental side effects, so it is advisable to have an experienced professional review the geographic location, application, traffic conditions, and soil types in order to determine the best product or process for your job.

TME offers effective dust control solutions for roads, job sites, farms and vineyards with a special emphasis on environmental compatibility. Because soil and water management is our business, TME‘s experience and expertise is your best alternative to the risk of unwanted or dangerous airborne soil particulates.

Call or email us for a free consultation: 916-381-3400