conventional: slope repair methods including construction of retaining walls, slope excavation and reconstruction, and rip rap placement
deadman: buried object (typically concrete with reinforcing steel) used as an anchor
failure plane: the surface between two layers of soil where mechanical failure occurs
gabion: steel wire basket filled with rock or concrete; used in slope stabilization, channel linings, revetments, and other earth retention applications
geocell: honeycomb-like structure made of HDPE and filled with soil, rock, or other materials; used in slope and road base stabilization
gravity wall: retaining wall typically constructed of stone or concrete, which relies on its mass (“gravity”) to resist the pressure bearing on it
GRS: geosynthetic reinforced soil
MSE: mechanically stabilized earth
percussion anchor: earth anchoring device driven and load-locked into place; forms a frustum cone of compressed soil above anchor
rotational failure: slope failure occurring on a circular (concave upward) slip surface
RSP: rock slope protection
sheet pile: thin, interlocking steel panels driven into the ground to form retaining walls and cofferdams
shotcrete: pneumatically applied concrete, typically sprayed on reinforcing mesh to form a sculpted wall facing
soil friction angle: shear strength parameter of soil
soil nail: reinforcing element such as rebar or a hollow bar drilled and grouted into place; used (often in conjunction with shotcrete facing) in slope stabilization, oversteepened embankments
soldier pile: wide flange “H” steel piles driven at intervals along a planned excavation perimeter; used in conjunction with lagging to create retaining walls
tie back: wire, rod, or helical anchor used to secure retaining walls
uniaxial geogrid: grid-like structure made of HDPE, commonly used in slope reinforcement and retaining wall applications (as opposed to biaxial or triaxial geogrid, commonly used for base reinforcement)